Lightstep will be rebranded to ServiceNow Cloud Observability

In 2021, ServiceNow acquired Lightstep. As part of ongoing efforts to refine our strategy, Lightstep is rebranding to ServiceNow Cloud Observability. We believe that as the product matures, new advancements are made, and the integration deepens, this is a better approach to meeting customer needs.

In August 2023, we’ll start using the new name and ServiceNow logo in the product and docs. Over time going into 2024, the product’s visual theme will evolve to adopt certain aspects of other ServiceNow products. This applies only to the UI design layer and not to any aspects of product function.

Importantly, nothing will change in terms of product functionality or how you access the product itself. We will continue to host Cloud Observability on and docs will remain at Product support will not change either.

Visit for product updates, solution integrations, and new content. Currently, there is a new product page on There will also be a community hub launching soon, where you’ll be able to ask questions, view trainings, and connect with other users. We’ll retire the marketing site on August 31, 2023, but not key subdomains like those mentioned above.

Updated Jul 10, 2023