Microsatellite release notes

Microsatellites aren’t supported for organizations hosted in the EU data center.


This release includes the following:

  • Updates the base image to Ubuntu 23.10.
  • Updates golang dependencies to address cyber-security issues:


This release includes the following:

  • Updates the base image to address this cyber-security issue: CVE-2023-2862.
  • Adds multi-architecture Docker images (amd64, arm64).
  • Adds support for OTel’s default HTTP span ingest path (/v1/traces).
  • Makes invalid HTTP inputs (for example, JSON error) return 400 BadRequest instead of 500 Internal Error.
  • Corrects theContent-Type for HTTP Proto/JSON 4xx and HTTP Proto/JSON 5xx to match requests.


This release is specifically for Microsatellites running on Docker and includes a fix for a bug that causes a degradation in UI functionality due to missing release_tag labels.


Update for Docker users 03/29/2023: This release tag should not be used for Docker due to a UI bug that is now fixed in the 2023-03-29_17-59-52Z Docker release. This bug only occurs in this Docker image and does not affect this release tag for other image platforms.

This release includes a security update for Debian/Ubuntu and AWS/AMI that applies patches to OpenSSL. Specifically, patches CVE-2022-3602 and CVE-2022-3358 were applied.

This image tag was updated on 1/24/2023 to include support for arm64. This release now supports both amd64 and arm64 architectures.


This release includes the following changes:

  • Bug fix for OTLP/HTTP responses. This was a latent bug that surfaced with partial success responses introduced in OTLP v0.19. This will fix client errors such as: “proto: cannot parse invalid wire-format data.”
  • Support for the name change from “instrumentation library” to “instrumentation scope” in OTLP/JSON (introduced in OTLP v0.15).


This release includes the following changes:

  • Incremental performance improvements
  • Improved microsatellite compression when using OpenTelemetry tracers
  • Image now based on Ubuntu 22.10


This release includes the following changes:

  • New forward_spans.request.compressed_bytes.sum metric from Microsatellites that represents the bytes of compressed span data emitted.
  • New forward_spans.request.compressed_bytes.failed metric from Microsatellites that represents the bytes of compressed span data that failed to send from the Microsatellite. The metric includes the code tag, allowing you see the types of errors.
  • You can now sample trace data by sending a percentage (between 1 and 100) of spans using the new sample_percent configuration for the Microsatellite or using the API. Setting the parameter using the API now takes precedence over the setting in the configuration file.

    This change deprecates the sample_one_in_n parameter and API.

  • The OpenTelemetry otel.trace_id attribute is now automatically generated on all spans.
  • Strings in spans must be valid UTF-8 or the spans will be rejected.


We’ve added the ability to ingest trace data from the Datadog agent to Cloud Observability. You can choose to send the data to both Datadog and Cloud Observability, or just Cloud Observability, by changing the configuration of the agent.

The Microsatellite image is now based on Ubuntu version 22.04.


This release requires you to add three new IPs to your list of allowed IPs for outbound traffic.

Action required

New outbound traffic IPs

To increase performance, we’ve added three new IPs that accept Microsatellite traffic.
Please add these to your list of allowed IPs:


Here’s the full list of IPs you need to allow:


Separate Microsatellite AMI release

This release for AMI/AWS is now separate from the Classic Satellite release, formally found under Lightstep Collector.
This new release can be found by searching for Lightstep Microsatellite:.

Other improvements in this release

Theses improvements don’t require any action on your part.

Microsatellite improvements

  • Added compression improvements on the span forwarding path to reduce wire size of requests sent from satellites to Cloud Observability SaaS.

  • Increased COLLECTOR_SPAN_FORWARDING_BUFFER_SIZE buffer to 20,000 as the default:
    You no longer need to configure this parameter.

  • Added days_until_key_expiry:
    This new satellite key expiry metric returns the days before key expires, based on the satellite_key_id. This is the ID shown on the Satellite Keys tab of the Settings page.


The following software has been upgraded in the Microsatellites:

  • OTLP tracing upgraded to support v0.9
  • Go upgraded to v1.17

Bug fixes

The following reported bugs have been fixed:

  • gzip compression for OTLP/HTTP ingest:
    Previously, if you sent spans compressed using GZIP, they wouldn’t unzip properly and the request would fail. This has been fixed.

  • Running Microsatellites as containers:
    Previously, if you ran satellites as containers, we incorrectly set GOMAXPROCS to the number of CPUs in the machine of the container.
    We now correctly read the number of CPUs allocated to the container to set GOMAXPROCS. This has incremental performance benefits.


This is the initial release for Microsatellites.

Read about the benefits of Microsatellites.

See also

Microsatellite configuration parameters

Updated Aug 2, 2023