Once you’ve integrated with AWS CloudWatch, you have access to metrics from AWS EC2 Auto Scaling, which ensures you have the appropriate number of Amazon EC2 instances to manage the load for your application available.

You can create a pre-built dashboard for this integration when you add the integration to Cloud Observability or from the Dashboard list view.

You can validate that metrics are reporting to Cloud Observability on the Metrics details page in Settings.

The following table shows the EC2 Auto Scaling metrics ingested by Cloud Observability.

Metric Name Unit Description
aws.autoscaling.group_min_size count The minimum size that the Auto Scaling group can be.
aws.autoscaling.group_max_size count The maximum size that the Auto Scaling group can be.
aws.autoscaling.group_desired_capacity count The number of instances the Auto Scaling group tries to keep.
aws.autoscaling.group_in_service_instances count The number of instances that the Auto Scaling group has running.
aws.autoscaling.group_pending_instances count The number of pending instances. An instance that is pending is not yet active.
aws.autoscaling.group_standby_instances count The number of instances that are in the Standby state.
aws.autoscaling.group_terminating_instances count The number of instances that are being terminated.
aws.autoscaling.group_total_instances count The total number of instances in the Auto Scaling group as a whole.
aws.autoscaling.group_in_service_capacity count The number of capacity units that the Auto Scaling group has active.
aws.autoscaling.group_pending_capacity count The number of pending capacity units.
aws.autoscaling.group_standby_capacity count The number of capacity units that are in Standby.
aws.autoscaling.group_terminating_capacity count The number of capacity units that are about to be terminated.
aws.autoscaling.group_total_capacity count The total number of capacity units in the Auto Scaling group as a whole.
aws.autoscaling.warm_pool_min_size count The minimum size of the warm pool.
aws.autoscaling.warm_pool_desired_capacity count The amount of capacity in the warm pool that Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling tries to maintain.
aws.autoscaling.warm_pool_pending_capacity count The pending quantity of the warm pool's capacity.
aws.autoscaling.warm_pool_terminating_capacity count The amount warm pool's current capacity, which is being shut down.
aws.autoscaling.warm_pool_warmed_capacity count The amount of capacity that is accessible to join the Auto Scaling group during scale out.
aws.autoscaling.warm_pool_total_capacity count The warm pool's overall capacity, which takes into account instances that are active, inactive, awaiting, or terminating.
aws.autoscaling.group_and_warm_pool_desired_capacity count The combined desired capacity of the warm pool and the Auto Scaling group.
aws.autoscaling.group_and_warm_pool_total_capacity count The total combined capacity of the warm pool and the Auto Scaling group.

See also

Ingest metrics from Amazon

Create and manage dashboards

Create alerts

Updated Dec 6, 2022