AWS Client VPN metrics

Once you’ve integrated with AWS CloudWatch, you have access to metrics from AWS Client VPN, which is a managed client-based VPN service that gives you secure access to your on-premises network and AWS resources. With Client VPN, you can use an OpenVPN-based VPN client to access your resources from any location.

See all AWS integrations.

You can validate that metrics are reporting to Cloud Observability on the Metrics details page in Settings.

The following table shows the Client VPN metrics ingested by Cloud Observability.

Metric Name Unit Description
aws.clientvpn.active_connections_count count The number of open connections to the Client VPN endpoint.
aws.clientvpn.authentication_failures count The number of Client VPN endpoint authentication failures.
aws.clientvpn.crl_days_to_expiry days The number of days on the Certificate Revocation List (CRL), which is set up on the Client VPN endpoint.
aws.clientvpn.egress_bytes bytes The number of data transmitted by the Client VPN endpoint.
aws.clientvpn.egress_packets bytes The number of packets that the Client VPN endpoint has sent.
aws.clientvpn.ingress_bytes bytes The number of bytes received by the Client VPN endpoint.
aws.clientvpn.ingress_packets count The number of packets that the Client VPN endpoint has received.
aws.clientvpn.self_service_portal_client_configuration_downloads count The number of Client VPN endpoint configuration file downloads from the self-service site.
aws.clientvpn.client_connect_handler_timeouts count The number of client connect handler timeouts for connections to the Client VPN endpoint.
aws.clientvpn.client_connect_handler_invalid_responses count The number of invalid responses the client connect handler for connections to the Client VPN endpoint received.
aws.clientvpn.client_connect_handler_other_execution_errors count The number of unanticipated errors that occurred while the client connect handler was running for connections to the Client VPN endpoint.
aws.clientvpn.client_connect_handler_throttling_errors count The number of client connect handler throttling errors for connections to the Client VPN endpoint.
aws.clientvpn.client_connect_handler_denied_connections count The number of connections to the Client VPN endpoint that the client connect handler has denied.
aws.clientvpn.client_connect_handler_failed_service_errors count The number of client connect handler errors that occurred while connections to the client VPN endpoint were being made.

See also

Ingest metrics from Amazon

Create and manage dashboards

Create alerts

Updated Nov 30, 2022