AWS CloudHSM metrics

Once you’ve integrated with AWS CloudWatch, you have access to metrics from AWS Cloud HSM, a cloud solution for managing Hardware Security Modules enabling you to generate and use your own encryption keys.

See all AWS integrations.

To verify metrics are reporting, search for the metrics on the Metric details page in Settings.

The following table shows the CloudHSM metrics ingested by Cloud Observability.

Metric Name Unit Description
aws.cloudhsm.hsm_unhealthy count The number of unhealthy HSM instances.
aws.cloudhsm.hsm_temperature count The junction temperature of the hardware processor.
aws.cloudhsm.hsm_keys_session_occupied keys The number of session keys being used by the HSM.
aws.cloudhsm.hsm_keys_token_occupied count The number of token keys being used by the HSM.
aws.cloudhsm.hsm_ssl_ctxs_occupied count The number of end-to-end encrypted channels currently established..
aws.cloudhsm.hsm_session_count count The number of open connections to the HSM.
aws.cloudhsm.hsm_users_available count The number of additional users which can be created on the HSM.
aws.cloudhsm.hsm_users_max count The number of users which can be created on an HSM instance. Currently 1,024.
aws.cloudhsm.interface_eth_2_octets_input bytes The amount of incoming traffic to HSM to date.
aws.cloudhsm.interface_eth_2_octets_output bytes The amount of outgoing traffic to HSM to date.

See also

Ingest metrics from Amazon

Create and manage dashboards

Create alerts

Updated Dec 1, 2022