AWS CodeBuild metrics

Once you’ve integrated with AWS CloudWatch, you have access to metrics from AWS CodeBuild, a service that runs tests, compiles source code, and creates deployable artifacts.

[See all AWS integrations.

To verify metrics are reporting, search for the metrics on the Metric details page in Settings.

The following table shows the CodeBuild metrics ingested by Cloud Observability.

Metric Name Unit Description
aws.codebuild.build_duration seconds The duration of the BUILD phase in seconds.
aws.codebuild.builds count The number of builds triggered.
aws.codebuild.download_source_duration seconds The duration of the DOWNLOAD_SOURCE phase.
aws.codebuild.duration seconds The combined duration of all builds over time.
aws.codebuild.failed_builds count The number of failed builds.
aws.codebuild.finalizing_duration seconds The duration of the build's FINALIZING phase.
aws.codebuild.install_duration seconds The duration of the build's install phase.
aws.codebuild.post_build_duration seconds The duration of the POST_BUILD phase.
aws.codebuild.pre_build_duration seconds The duration of the build PRE_BUILD phase.
aws.codebuild.provisioning_duration seconds The duration of the build's PROVISIONING phase.
aws.codebuild.queued_duration seconds The duration of the QUEUED phase.
aws.codebuild.submitted_duration seconds The duration of the SUBMITTED phase.
aws.codebuild.succeeded_builds count The number of successful builds.
aws.codebuild.upload_artifacts_duration seconds The duration of the UPLOAD_ARTIFACTS phase.

See also

Ingest metrics from Amazon

Create and manage dashboards

Create alerts

Updated Dec 1, 2022