AWS Shield Advanced metrics

Once you’ve integrated with AWS CloudWatch, you have access to all metrics for AWS Shield Advanced, which protects against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks for internet-facing applications.

See all AWS integrations.

To verify metrics are reporting, search for the metrics on the Metric details page in Settings.

The following table shows the Shield Advanced metrics ingested by Cloud Observability.

Metric Name Unit Description
aws.ddosprotection.ddo_sdetected integer Indicates whether a DDoS event is underway for a particular Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
aws.ddosprotection.ddo_sattack_bits_per_second bits/second The number of bits observed during a DDoS event for a particular Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
aws.ddosprotection.ddos_sattack_packets_per_second packets The number of packets observed during a DDoS event for a particular Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
aws.ddosprotection.ddo_sattack_requests_per_second requests The number of requests observed during a DDoS event for a particular Amazon Resource Name (ARN)
aws.ddosprotection.volume_packets_per_second packets The number of packets per second that were dropped or passed by a mitigation that was deployed in response to a detected event.
aws.ddosprotection.volume_packets_per_second packets The number of packets per second for a topcontributor.
aws.ddosprotection.volume_bits_per_second bits The number of bits per second for a top contributor.

See also

Ingest metrics from Amazon

Create and manage dashboards

Create alerts

Updated Dec 14, 2022