Once you’ve integrated with AWS CloudWatch, you have access to all metrics for EKS, which is a managed Kubernetes service.

You can create a pre-built dashboard for this integration when you add the integration to Cloud Observability or from the Dashboard list view.

You can validate that metrics are reporting to Cloud Observability on the Metrics details page in Settings.

Looking to ingest detailed AKS metrics related to pods, nodes, and workloads not present in AWS CloudWatch metrics? See the Kubernetes Quick Start for gathering metrics directly from Kubernetes components using the OpenTelemetry Operator for Kubernetes.

The following table shows the EKS metrics ingested by Cloud Observability.

Metric Name Unit Description
aws.aws-eks.cluster_failed_node_count count The The count of failed worker nodes in the cluster.
aws.aws-eks.cluster_node_count count The total worker nodes in the cluster.
aws.aws-eks.namespace_number_of_running_pods count The number of pods running per namespace.
aws.aws-eks.node_cpu_limit count The maximum CPU units assignable to nodes in this cluster.
aws.aws-eks.node_cpu_reserved_capacity percent The proportion of CPU units reserved for node components like kube-proxy, kubelet, and Docker.
aws.aws-eks.node_cpu_usage_total count The number of CPU units presently used in the cluster.
aws.aws-eks.node_cpu_utilization percent The proportion of CPU units used by all nodes in the cluster.
aws.aws-eks.node_filesystem_utilization percent The proportion of file system capacity used in the cluster.
aws.aws-eks.node_memory_limit bytes The maximum amount of memory that can be assigned to a single node.
aws.aws-eks.node_memory_reserved_capacity percent The proportion of memory currently used on nodes in the cluster.
aws.aws-eks.node_memory_utilization percent The proportion of memory currently used by a node or nodes in the cluster.
aws.aws-eks.node_memory_working_set bytes The amount of memory used in the working set of nodes in the cluster.
aws.aws-eks.node_network_total_bytes bytes The amount of data transmitted and received over the network per node.
aws.aws-eks.node_number_of_running_containers count The count of containers running per node in the cluster.
aws.aws-eks.node_number_of_running_pods count The count of pods running per node in the cluster.
aws.aws-eks.pod_cpu_reserved_capacity percent The proportion of CPU capacity reserved per pod in the cluster.
aws.aws-eks.pod_cpu_utilization percent The proportion of CPU units used by pods.
aws.aws-eks.pod_cpu_utilization_over_pod_limit percent The proportion of CPU units used by pods that is over the pod limit.
aws.aws-eks.pod_memory_reserved_capacity percent The proportion of memory reserved for pods.
aws.aws-eks.pod_memory_utilization percent The proportion of memory currently used by the pod or pods.
aws.aws-eks.pod_memory_utilization_over_pod_limit percent The proportion of memory used by pods that is over the limit.
aws.aws-eks.pod_number_of_container_restarts count The total number of restarts in a pod.
aws.aws-eks.pod_network_rx_bytes bytes/second The rate of bytes received over the network by the pod.
aws.aws-eks.pod_network_tx_bytes count The rate of bytes transmitted over the network by the pod.
aws.aws-eks.service_number_of_running_pods count The count of pods running the service or services in the cluster.

See also

Ingest metrics from Amazon

Create and manage dashboards

Create alerts

Updated Dec 2, 2022