Once you’ve integrated with AWS CloudWatch, you have access to all metrics for the AWS PrivateLink Endpoints service, which this service allows you to publish data to Amazon CloudWatch for your interface endpoints, Gateway Load Balancer endpoints, and endpoint services..
See all AWS integrations.
To verify metrics are reporting, search for the metrics on the Metric details page in Settings.
The following table shows the PrivateLink Endpoints metrics ingested by Cloud Observability.
Metric Name | Unit | Description |
aws.privatelinkendpoints.active_connections | count | The number of concurrent active connections. This includes connections in the SYN_SENT and ESTABLISHED states. |
aws.privatelinkendpoints.bytes_processed | bytes | The number of bytes exchanged between endpoints and endpoint services, aggregated in both directions. |
aws.privatelinkendpoints.new_connections | count | The number of new connections established through the endpoint. |
aws.privatelinkendpoints.packets_dropped | packets | The number of packets dropped by the endpoint. |
aws.privatelinkendpoints.rst_packets_received | packets | The number of RST packets received by the endpoint. |
aws.privatelinkendpoints.active_connections | count | The maximum number of active connections from clients to targets through the endpoints. |
aws.privatelinkendpoints.bytes_processed | buytes | The number of bytes exchanged between endpoint services and endpoints, in both directions. |
aws.privatelinkendpoints.endpoints_count | count | The number of endpoints connected to the endpoint service. |
aws.privatelinkendpoints.new_connections | count | The number of new connections established from clients to targets through the endpoints. |
aws.privatelinkendpoints.rst_packets_sent | packets | The number of RST packets sent to endpoints by the endpoint service. |
Updated Dec 20, 2022