Once you’ve integrated with AWS CloudWatch, you have access to metrics from AWS SNS, which provides notifications in both A2A and A2P formats. Microservices, event-driven serverless applications, distributed systems, and A2A all benefit from high-throughput, push-based, many-to-many messaging.
You can create a pre-built dashboard for this integration when you add the integration to Cloud Observability or from the Dashboard list view.
To verify metrics are reporting, search for the metrics on the Metric details page in Settings.
The following table shows the SNS metrics ingested by Cloud Observability.
Metric Name | Unit | Description |
aws.sns.number_of_messages_published | count | The number of messages published to your Amazon SNS topics. |
aws.sns.number_of_notifications_delivered | count | The quantity of messages that were successfully sent from your Amazon SNS topics to endpoints that were subscribed. A delivery attempt needs the endpoint's subscription to acknowledge the message in order to be successful. If a subscription either has no filter policies or has filter policies that have attributes that match those assigned to the message, the subscription will accept the message. The delivery attempt is not counted for this measure if the subscription rejects the message. |
aws.sns.number_of_notifications_failed | count | How many messages Amazon SNS was unable to deliver. When Amazon SNS stops attempting to deliver messages to Amazon SQS, email, SMS, or mobile push endpoints, the metric increases by 1. The measure for HTTP or HTTPS endpoints includes all unsuccessful delivery attempts, including subsequent retries. When a message is unsuccessfully delivered to any other endpoint (regardless of the number of attempts), the count goes up by 1 for all other endpoints. This metric does not take into account messages that were turned down by subscription filtering procedures. For HTTP endpoints, the number of retries is adjustable. Detailed statistics can be found at Average number of Amazon SNS message delivery attempts. |
aws.sns.number_of_notifications_filtered_out | count | The quantity of messages that were denied access to subscribers by subscription filter rules. When the message's attributes don't match the filter policy's attributes, the message is rejected by the filter policy. |
aws.sns.number_of_notifications_filtered_out_invalid_attributes | count | The number of messages that subscription filter policies rejected because their attributes were inaccurate, such as when the JSON format of an attribute was improper. |
aws.sns.number_of_notifications_filtered_out_no_message_attributes | count | The quantity of messages that subscription filter policies rejected because they lacked qualities |
aws.sns.number_of_notifications_redriven_to_dlq | count | The quantity of messages that have been redirected to a dead-letter queue. |
aws.sns.number_of_notifications_failed_to_redrive_to_dlq | count | The quantity of messages that were unable to be moved to a dead-letter queue. |
aws.sns.publish_size | bytes | The size of messages published. |
aws.sns.sms_month_to_date_spent_usd | dollars | The fees for sending SMS messages that you have racked up since the beginning of the current calendar month. The monthly SMS spend quota for your account can be reached when your month-to-date costs are approaching it. You can set an alarm for this metric to alert you when this happens. When Amazon SNS deems that sending an SMS would cost more than the allotted amount, it immediately stops publishing SMS messages. Visit Setting SMS Messaging Preferences for details on how to set your monthly SMS spend cap or how to ask AWS for an increase. |
aws.sns.number_of_notifications_sms_success_rate | percent | The percentage of SMS messages delivered successfully. |
Updated Dec 1, 2022