Once you’ve integrated with AWS CloudWatch, you have access to all metrics for IoT Things Graph, a service that makes it easy to visually connect different devices and web services to build IoT applications.
See all AWS integrations.
To verify metrics are reporting, search for the metrics on the Metric details page in Settings.
The following table shows the IoT Things Graph metrics ingested by Cloud Observability.
Metric Name | Unit | Description |
aws.thingsgraph.flow_execution_time | milliseconds | The amount of time a flow run takes to complete. |
aws.thingsgraph.flow_executions_aborted | count | The number of flow runs that are aborted. |
aws.thingsgraph.flow_executions_failed | count | The number of flow executions that failed. |
aws.thingsgraph.flow_executions_started | count | The number of flow runs started. |
aws.thingsgraph.flow_executions_succeeded | count | The number of flow runs that were successful. |
aws.thingsgraph.flow_execution_time | milliseconds | The amount of time that a flow execution step takes to complete. |
aws.thingsgraph.flow_step_executions_failed | count | The number of steps of the flow execution that failed. |
aws.thingsgraph.flow_step_executions_started | count | The number of flow execution steps started. |
aws.thingsgraph.flow_step_executions_succeeded | count | The number of flow execution steps that were successful. |
aws.thingsgraph.flow_step_lambda_executions_failed | count | The number of flow execution Lambda function steps that failed. |
aws.thingsgraph.flow_step_lambda_executions_started | count | The number of flow execution Lambda function steps started. |
aws.thingsgraph.flow_step_lambda_executions_succeeded | count | The number of steps of the flow execution Lambda function that were successful. |
Updated Feb 1, 2023